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A little bit of background

Most of you know what I do and who I am but not much about my family.


My wife, Raizy volunteers for an organization that helps out teen girls in Lakewood.

Just a few weeks ago they held a Shabbaton for the girls; my wife and I were invited to join.

It was really nice to see how the girls were so involved in the program, from setting the table, attending classes and of course being part of the Shabbos table.

At the meal I got up to speak for the girls  (I NEVER SPEAK) and I made a deal with them.

Any girl that’s in the room with me now that keeps Shabbos gets a
FREE meal at my restaurant Snaps in Westgate for that Shabbos she kept.


Being that some of the girls don’t live at home a nice free meal is a big incentive!

Together let’s try to keep Shmiras Shabbos stronger and better than the week before.

The girls were pumped!

That got me thinking that if we can get more teenagers (even those not in this room)
to keep Shabbos, how amazing would that be!


That’s what Shomer Shabbos gelt is all about


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